What we do

Shine the way is a holding company that has evolved substantially into different business sectors. We operate in the retail sector, hospitality, property development, supply of perishables,Keynote addresses and apprenticeship programs..



Government Accredited Supplier of Covid-19 PPE's. SMMESA Number 73911

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Cloth Face Mask

Government Accredited Supplier of Cloth Masks. SMMESA Number 73911

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Between the years 2000 and 2010 we successfully owned 3 retail branches that traded as Juice corner. These were dairy product shops that specialised in selling fresh milk, fruit juice blends and numerous other dairy products.

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From the year 2008 to date we offer both short and long term accommodation under the trading name Ibhotwe guest house. The guest houses also offers catering services to Correctional services and the SAPS

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Property development

We develop residential and commercial buildings to higher a value. Our team has successfully converted property from one use to another.

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Supply of road maintenance products

We supply and deliver Asphalt, Cold Pre-mix, paving and emulsions bitumen products

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Keynote addresses and motivational speaking

We host a team of executives and top management that have offered keynote addresses and motivational talks at TVET colleges, universities and corporate events

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Training and apprenticeship

Being involved in most of the business sectors for over decades we’ve always taken pride in making sure that learners better their skills and experience by offering apprenticeships in multiple sectors.

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Company Details

Registration number: 2005/080775/23

Address: 91 Seboane Street ,Kimberley

Email: info@shine-the-way.co.za

URL: www.shine-the-way.co.za

Contact Us

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